Cold Hacks: Tricks for Surviving a Winter in Snowy Valley

Photo by Jessica LaGreca

Penn State is hands down, one of the greatest places on Earth. We’ve got a great academic program, a killer social life and amazing weather. Oh wait .. did I say amazing weather? Whoops.

Ok, so maybe the weather is one strike against us but luckily, your friends here at Valley are prepared to dispel our knowledge and give you a couple of “cold hacks” in order to make this winter a little less brutal.

 Cut Throughs

On those days when the snow is falling and the temperature just can’t climb past the single digits, there is nothing more tempting than staying in your warm bed. Unfortunately, reality starts to weigh in and you realize that class is actually a thing and it’s a think you actually have to go to. Cutting through some centralized buildings on your way to class is the perfect way to get that little tease of heat before bracing yourself to make the rest of the journey in the cold. I always make a little pit stop in the HUB. Short, but certainly sweet.


If you’re a fashionista like me, you have quite a love hate relationship with the winter. Boots are adorable, but bulky winter coats aren’t. If you want to feel warm but look hot, there’s no better way then to throw on the layers. Leather jackets under winter coats are the perfect combo: you can dress practically while outside but strip your top layer to ensure your ensemble is perfect when you get to your destination.


We find warmth in the strangest of places and this gem comes from junior Amanda Amabile. “I’ve been so cold, that i’ve stood on various heaters around campus and downtown so that I could get a little warm air from the ground,” Amanda says.


The frat jacket, otherwise known as the “fracket” is the perfect disposable winter accessory. If you’re heading to a party and don’t want to risk losing a nice jacket or sweatshirt, bring a cheap one with you. Throw it down and at the end of the night, find a new one! Slightly gross but hey, the things we do for warmth!

So however you chose to beat the cold this winter here in Happy Valley, we wish you warmth!


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