Climatarian — Go Green By Eating Green

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Since elementary school we have all been familiar with “The Three R’s” that make being eco–friendly seem so easy, but what if VALLEY told you there is another effective, yet easy way to give back to our lovely home planet? Introducing the Climatarian — someone who eats to keep both themselves and Earth happy and healthy.

What Is A Climatarian?

A climatarian is someone who eats for two — themselves and the environment. The main goal behind this diet is to lower one’s carbon footprint, which is heavily built upon what foods are consumed on a day-to-day basis. Diet culture is one that has evolved into a negatively connotated phenomenon because of the pressure it puts on the individual’s appearance. Most diets are hyper-focused on getting physical results, but that is where a climatarian differs from the rest. This way of eating is less centered around outside appearance, and more so on just the outside.

What Foods Are Within The Diet?

In order to fully understand this diet, you first need to understand what a carbon footprint is. According to the Oxford dictionary, it is “the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuels by a particular person, group, etc.” This is why a climatarian eats food that is sourced locally, rather than consuming food that has a long journey from its factory to their plate.

That being said, a climatarian does not have to be the healthiest eater on the planet, just a green one. Some foods that most diets would cut out, like pizza, are better for the environment than some of the highly regarded healthy foods, like avocados. Red meat is also a commonly avoided food when attempting to eat with mother nature’s wellbeing in mind, but to be a climatarian does not mean the same thing as a vegetarian. Poultry, in general, is not horrible for the environment, though vegetables are the overall better choice when it comes to lowering your carbon footprint.

The Individuality of Your Carbon Footprint

Penn States very own Professor Mikael Hiestand defines individual action as “the actions taken by one individual person, acting based on his or her personal decision.” To be a climatarian is to perfectly encapsulate this definition. A diet is a personal choice and a carbon footprint is a personal reflection of that choice. While being a climatarian is not going to single-handedly stop climate change, it is going to allow you to do your part to help. It is incredibly important to take care of both homes you are given- your body and the Earth — and eating green is beneficial to both.



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