A Beginner’s Guide to Palm Reading

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While some consider it witchcraft, others say it’s a divine glimpse into our inner soul — an interpretation of who we are and where we’ll be in the future. Palmistry, the practice of reading and interpreting physical features of the hands, is being revived. Here’s what you need to know about palm reading to get started!


The art of palmistry, also known as palm reading, originated in India. From there, palmistry expanded to other parts of the world including China, Egypt, Greece and Persia. Though it faced backlash around the Middle Ages, palmistry was popularized again, especially when psychiatrist Carl Jung became interested in the practice. Palm readings are now yet another way to connect with one’s spiritual side, similar to practices like astrology and tarot readings. Palm readings cannot predict the future with absolutes, but it can offer divine insight into patterns about one’s life journey that could offer greater meaning to an individual. 

Getting Started

Before you get started, it’s important to know what to look for in a reading. Readings include interpretations of different lines and mounts on both the dominant and non-dominant hands. It’s believed that the dominant hand reveals parts about one’s present and future, while the non-dominant hand reveals one’s potential and other long-term plans. 

However, one of the most important parts of a reading is not just noting different qualities of lines and mounts, but using context about your subject and your own intuition to analyze what you see and feel and to then apply it to real-life situations. This is what ultimately gives your readings deeper meaning that goes beyond simple observations. 

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Head Line

The head line is located just below the heart line and indicates the rational ways in which we experience life and our approaches to the world. Though there are many interpretations of what the head line can mean, it’s believed that a straighter line means that you may take a more logical approach to things while a curved line is representative of a more creative approach. Additionally, some say that a wavy line corresponds with progressive ways of thinking whereas a straight line corresponds with a more traditional thought process.

Heart Line

Located at the top of the hand, the heart line reveals parts of our emotional being, including insights into our interpersonal relationships, both romantic and platonic. When analyzing this line, it’s important to look at the length of the line, where it begins and its depth. Long lines often correlate with longer relationships, and shorter or broken lines can mean you’ve experienced shorter relationships or even infidelity. A heart line that begins below the middle finger can symbolize restlessness in relationships whereas one that begins below the index finger can symbolize contentment. When looking at the depth of your heart line, a deep and distinct one can represent emotional depth, but a faint line can mean you experience shallower, more temporary relationships.

Life Line

The life line is the lowest of the three main lines and is right below the head line. It’s a common misconception that this is representative of how long a person will live. This is actually not what it means at all. It is more of a representation of your energy for life and life journey. A deep line can represent a strong energy for life while a faint one may be an indication of a lack of enthusiasm. A short life line may mean that you experience a lot of independence in your life, and a longer line may mean that you are more influenced by others in your life journey.

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Mount of Venus

This mount is the largest on your palm. Located below the thumb, it’s known for representing love and passion. A large, high mount here can mean you have a desire for the beauty in life whereas a flat mount can symbolize an absence of desire.

Mount of Luna

This is also known as the moon, and is typically the second largest mount. It’s located at the bottom of the palm near the wrist and below the pinky. The mount of Luna relates to imagination. A high mount is an indication of creativity while a flatter mount can indicate an overactive imagination, sometimes resulting in disconnection from reality.

Mount of Apollo

The mount of Apollo, also known as the sun mount, is also related to creativity as well as talent and good luck. Similar to the mount of Luna, a high mount can indicate success in personal talents and games of chance, but a low mount can indicate an underdeveloped imagination. This one is located below the ring finger. 

Mount of Mercury

This mount is believed to relate to factual communication with people in your life and practical skills. A prominent mount of Mercury, located near the base of the pinky, can represent strong abilities of expression and healing capabilities. A less prominent one, especially one smaller than the mounts of Saturn or Apollo, can indicate underdevelopment in these areas. 

Mount of Jupiter

Located at the base of the index finger, the mount of Jupiter is supposedly the strongest indicator of a person’s character. It represents things like ambition, leadership and personal authority. There are three possibilities with this mount — a hard mount, a hollow mount or one that’s neither hard nor hollow. A hard mount may indicate a big ego while a hollow one can indicate you’re a follower rather than a leader. A mount that’s neither hard nor hollow may mean you’re a good mentor and leader but still remain level-headed and fair. 

Mount of Saturn

The mount of Saturn can be found at the base of the middle finger and is representative of the way we cope with issues/ conflict in our lives. Though it’s usually relatively flat, a larger mount can signify stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise or change in situations of conflict. In comparison, an underdeveloped mount can indicate indecisiveness and someone who is easily swayed by outside influences. 


A large part of palmistry, of course, is the interpretation, which is entirely subjective. Nothing can be proven with absolute certainty, so it’s important to remember that every reading is based on personal intuition and interpretation. Some things may resonate with you while others may not feel very true. If something resonates with you, claim it. If it doesn’t, that’s okay too, and you have the power to make that distinction for yourself. Keep in mind that readings may feel more powerful with more time and practice. 

Like many other spiritual practices, palm reading can mean different things to every individual. Nevertheless, it can be a great way to get in touch with your energy and connect with your divine power.

Have you tried your hand at palm reading? Tweet us, @VALLEYmag, and tell us about it!


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