10 Apps for Every Penn State Student

Photo by Shannon Duel

As college students, technology plays a huge part in our every day lives, so Valley decided to help our fellow Penn Staters out. We proudly present 10 apps every student in Happy Valley needs to download right now.

10. PSU Dining

Want to find out what the dining hall is serving for dinner tonight – or for lunch in two weeks? This app can tell you all about the dining menu.

9. Canvas

With all of the email notifications you get from Canvas, why not have the app too? It’s more or less identical to the website, so it is user friendly, and you can always check your assignments or grades on the go.


Real time and all the time – that’s CATA for you. When you just don’t feel like walking on those cold State College nights or insanely hot days, this app can provide you with a full transportation schedule. Some buses even take you to the movie theater or Tussey mountain if you want to get off campus for a change of scenery.

7. Banking

Need to check how broke you are as a typical college kid? Almost every major bank has an app. You can even transfer money from your main account onto your card, or deposit a check.

6. Tindr

A huge new part of the dating world, but an even bigger part of the college scene, is Tindr. Swiping left or right has even become a part of many peoples’ daily vocabulary. So why not give it a try?

5. Uber

Another staple when you don’t want to walk through frat land on a saturday night — or maybe hit up Wegmans for some real food when the dining hall just isn’t doing it for you. Conversations with Uber drivers always make for great stories later. 

4. Orderup

Don’t feel like walking to get food? Say hello to literally every college student’s instant best friend. A bunch of amazing food selections, all ready to be delivered to your door with just one click. Once you Orderup once, there’s no going back.

3. Snap Chat

If it isn’t on your snap story, did it really happen? Probably not. Between keeping up with friends through streaks or maybe talking to someone new before transitioning to texting, Snap Chat has to be considered as essential — especially with the lit new filters.

2. Groupme

Pretty much every club or organization has a Groupme going these days to stay in touch. It doesn’t blow up your actual messages, but you can still keep in constant contact with everyone you need to.

1. Venmo

This digital wallet has proven to be a saving grace for the classic college student who doesn’t have cash all of the time. Whether you are going to breakfast with friends, or even paying for your club’s latest t-shirt, Venmo will prove to be an asset to your daily life at Penn State.

Make sure to download these fun and helpful apps to make your college experience just a little bit easier!

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