You Made It Class of 2014

Zucker_goodbyehappyvalleyDear graduating seniors,

Congratulations! You did it. You successfully balanced your schoolwork, social life and your various extracurricular activities for the last four years. As sad as it is to say it, your time in Happy Valley is almost over. But rest assured…you will be missed.

Valley is writing this letter to you on behalf of the Penn State student body, who will miss you next year. We know you’ll be hearing some graduation speeches next week, but we wanted to take the time to write you a more personal letter to send our thanks and well wishes before you leave.

Penn State holds so memories, and there is a lot to look forward to as an alum. Years from now, you’ll bring back your kids and share your PSU pride with them. You’ll bring them to the shrine and take pictures. Then, you’ll give them a tour of all of your old study spots in the stacks. Most importantly, you’ll bring them to Old Main and show them the true beauty of this campus.

It will be bittersweet to watch you graduate next week. Even though we’re so proud and we couldn’t be happier for you, we’ll miss our best friends. It will be sad when we can’t meet up for lunch in the HUB to catch up and talk about our lives. By the way, thanks for the HUB Green Roof Terrace class gift. We can’t wait to see what the HUB expansion will look like in a few years.

Our time together at Penn State has been a whirlwind of fun. It’s crazy to think how fast the time has gone by. From football games to THON, there are so many unforgettable memories.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” We know you’ll create a trail unlike any other in the next chapter of your life just as you did here.

You might not have realized how much of an impact you’ve had on us. Thanks for being our mentors, guides and of course, friends. When we were confused freshmen, you were the ones who helped us find the best classes to take and what it meant to be a true Nittany Lion. And ever since, we’ve looked up to you. You’ve helped us pave our own paths here.

We wish you the best of luck with your futures. Carry on the Penn State tradition forever.

For the Glory,

Your friends at Valley Magazine.  

Photo by Ashley Zucker

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