You Just Fell For The Most Successful Marketing Scheme Ever

Photo from @bqssett on Pinterest.

Happy holidays everyone! Well, it might as well be a holiday. On Wednesday, November 29th, the ninth annual Spotify Wrapped dropped. Spotify users everywhere look forward to this report like they look forward to their birthday. 

If you’re unfamiliar with Spotify, it’s an app that provides users access to music, podcasts and other audio content. Spotify Wrapped is a personalized report that Spotify drops annually, describing and summarizing your music taste creatively and entertainingly.

Some statistics include how many artists you listened to, your top genres of music, a personalized playlist of your top 100 songs, and most notably, a shareable graphic that includes your top 5 artists and songs, the number of minutes you listened and your top genre. Graphics of these statistics can be directly shared on social media from Spotify, and consumers take advantage of it.

Most Spotify users love sharing their Wrapped on social media, but you know who loves it more?

Spotify loves it more! According to Spotify’s 2022 Quarter 4 Report, over 156 million people engaged with their Spotify Wrapped in 2022. This is a 30% increase across 11 markets, and by including artist merch in the 2022 Wrapped, Spotify hit the highest-grossing merchandise sales per week in Spotify history.

For comparison, when the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge peaked in 2014, 17 million people uploaded their videos to social media (The CPA Journal), while 60 million people shared their Spotify Wrapped to social media in 2021 (Times) — and it only keeps getting bigger.

Photo from

For marketers, there are three key takeaways from the success of Spotify Wrapped, according to Sprout Social. It’s consistent, easily shareable on social media and allows other brands to join the fun. Spotify Wrapped is designed to be personalized and engaging for social media pages, and it is!

This campaign also has a ritualistic component, making users expect and look forward to it each year. Spotify gets engagement not only from Spotify users but also from other brands that create their own top 5 songs/artists or even other platforms like Apple Music that designed their annual report similar to Spotify. 

Spotify Wrapped is a rare instance where people want an app to track and use their private data, which speaks volumes about how successful and loved this ongoing campaign is. Every year, people look forward to sharing their Spotify Wrapped report and seeing their peers on social media. Whether or not you realize it, Spotify Wrapped is one of the most successful marketing schemes at its core — and people love to fall for it. 

Did you fall for it too? Let us know @VALLEYMag on Instagram. 


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