THON Committees: Know Before You Go

Posted by @pennstatethon on Instagram

This weekend you’ll no doubt be at Penn State’s annual Dance Marathon, but do you know what has gone into its production? THON committees have put in countless hours of work this year in preparation, and captains and committee members will be working the behind-the-scenes magic all weekend. Here is what you need to know about every committee before you hit the BJC this Friday.


Call them the “know-it-alls” because they literally need to know it ALL. The communications committee is split up into three groups: university outreach, organization development and volunteer education. Their goal is to educate and assist in all things FTK®, and they hope to show the community how to make a greater impact. They study up on THON to learn all the ins and outs of the other committees in order to create a smooth sailing weekend. They are your go-to committee if you lose or find anything during THON’s 46 hours, and you can catch them in the information booths sporting kelly green shirts.

Donor And Alumni Relations

The Donor and Alumni Relations committee is responsible for maintaining the strong bond that Penn State has with its donor base. They work with students, alumni and donors to increase the total. DAR initiates many projects throughout the year — most importantly THONvelope distribution — and focuses on how to fundraise more efficiently. You can find them THON weekend in royal blue giving donor tours around the BJC.

Dancer Relations

Sporting bright yellow shirts, DR can be found right in the center of the BJC with the dancers. Each Dancer Relations committee member is in charge of a dancer for the 46 hours of fun. They ensure safety and provide emotional and physical support to the dancers by coaching them through the difficult, but rewarding 46 hours. The Dancer Relations committee is in charge of keeping an upbeat, positive atmosphere for the dancers. Every hour the Dancer Relations captains take the stage and lead the line dance that they worked tirelessly to perfect, so get excited to hear “Dancer relations captains, to the stage!” various times throughout the weekend.


Lights! Camera! Action! The members of the Entertainment committee are behind the scenes, but their work is far from unseen. All the lights, music, performances and sounds are thanks to this committee. They bring every act to THON and a smile to every face.


Money green shirts — get it? Members of the Finance committee track and process all the monetary donations that are sent to THON. They also rank all the organizations’ totals to see who, in the end, has fundraised the most.


You’ll find HOS this weekend in HOT pink. Hospitality plays a huge role in making sure that the dancers are fed and hydrated throughout the weekend. They are a support service like no other, and provide additional assistance in all pre-THON events.


This team keeps you looking good while you’re doing good. The “Merch” committee sells the brand of THON with products they sell throughout the year, and their efforts contribute to the final THON total. Merch will be sporting the new THON logo that was introduced to us at the Family Carnival. They will be at portals 3 and 18 wearing light pink.


Look around during THON weekend and you won’t be able to miss the work of the OPPerations committee. They dedicate their time to making the weekend colorful and fun with everything from decorations to clean-up. They’re also in charge of the Slides of Strength — an event where dancers get to slide down a mat of baby powder and can relax for a moment by getting a full-body massage from the OPP committee members. They will be in navy blue, and can be found all around the BJC.

Public Relations

The Public Relations committee is the voice of THON. They deliver the message that we work so hard to spread to Penn State throughout the community and to the world. The committee, wearing purple, is split up into three groups: photography, promotions and production. Each have a unique hand in how THON is seen through all outlets. During the whole THON season they spread awareness and capture what it means to be FTK®.

Rules and Regulations 

Safety first! The Rules and Regulations committee is all about having a fun weekend, but more importantly a safe one. At all THON events you can find “R&R” members ensuring that all rules are being followed. Rocking red shirts this weekend, they will definitely be the ones to remind you that there is no sitting at THON. Throughout the weekend, they can be found doing security or signing people onto the pass list in the information booths.

Special Events 

This committee has already been hard at work for a long time. Leading the THON 5K and Family Carnival earlier in the school year, their job is to create events that show just how much of a yearlong effort THON really is. Special Events can be found in the concession stands this THON weekend in maroon.


THON: To Join an Organization or Committee?

THON Committees 101

Taking Care of Yourself THON Weekend