So we may not have come away with a win this weekend, but let’s be honest… Michigan still sucks – no matter what time of day it is.
Having been at the game in the “Big House”, I experienced firsthand the many reasons why Penn State is and always will be the better school.
1. We Have Better Fans
Although Michigan Stadium may have the capacity to seat 2,619 more people than Beaver Stadium, it’s very clear we have a much stronger fan base. At Beaver Stadium, when we’re asked to “GET LOUD” and “MAKE SOME NOISE”, it gets so loud it’s nearly deafening. And we can proudly say we keep that enthusiasm up throughout the entire game. Michigan fans? Even on their most intense plays got maybe half as loud as Penn State fans. Let’s just say I could still talk to my friend sitting next to me.
2. We Have A Better Student Section
Having come from the best student section in the entire country, I was extremely let down by Michigan’s student section or lack there of. At one point during the game, my friend leaned over to me and said, “Where is their student section?” I had to look around the stadium, and found a small section of yellow pompoms all clumped together near the band; yes, that was their student section.
3. We Have Better Concession Stands
Michigan’s concession stands in the stadium consisted of personnel pan pizzas (cheese or pepperoni), pretzels and hot dogs. Where were the chicken fingers and french fries? The struggle was real. Not to mention, they didn’t have automated cash registers – so let’s hope Michigan’s a good math school otherwise a lot of people got ripped off Saturday night.
On a complete other note: For the record, James wasn’t offside during that onside kick. So refs, how much did the other team pay you for that hatchet of a job you did?
But it’s alright, we’ll get them back next year on our own turf. Until then, don’t forget, Michigan still sucks.