This past Tuesday was Valentine’s Day, and romance was in the air for many. But before any of us had been in love, gone on dates, or celebrated Valentine’s Day any way other than giving homemade cards to all of our classmates, we had to experience the romance vicariously through our favorite television shows.
Valley is here with a special edition of throwback Thursday. Get ready for a blast from the past as we reminisce on the most shocking moments from our favorite Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows that had our elementary and middle school selves on the edges of our seats.
Miley and Jake
Hannah Montana delivered plenty of moments that made pre-teens swoon, but the first kiss between Miley and Jake Ryan was the biggest surprise. Their relationship had been will-they won’t-they for so long, and when they finally kissed every one of us watching nearly fell off of our chairs like Lily did in this scene.
Ned and Moze
In a school fully of bullies, insane teachers, and gross school lunches, you can also find one of the most iconic Nickelodeon couples. Ned and Moze from Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide had been friends for so long that their getting-together was pretty much inevitable. Plus, Moze was a huge step up from Suzy Crabgrass.
Josh and Mindy
Drake may have been the ladies’ man, but Josh was the one who had a real way with words. When Mindy Crenshaw tells Josh that she loves him, he replies with the classic, “See you in chemistry!” There were plenty of relationships on Drake and Josh, but the Josh/Mindy pairing was one of the most unexpected, and eventually the most popular.
Cody and Bailey
As Cody says in the clip, his six month plan with Bailey finally worked. And while he was wooing her for six months, as audience members it felt like we were waiting years. The long lead up to the relationship between the two self-proclaimed nerds in Suite Life on Deck made the moment they finally got together quite surprising.
Sam and Freddie
Okay, who saw this one coming? Nearly every iCarly viewer believed wholeheartedly in Sam’s comical hatred toward Freddie, but that was turned upside-down in this episode. The most unexpected moments seemed to come from the couples that started out hating each other, making this moment one of the most shocking of them all.
Quinn and Logan
This is the grand finale and perhaps one of the biggest Nickelodeon plot twists ever. Anyone who could have predicted a relationship between Logan, the arrogant jerk, and Quinn, the weird science girl, should try their luck in the lottery. Even though Chase and Zoey were the star couple of Zoey 101, the out-of-the-blue pairing between Logan and Quinn ended up being one of the best childhood television couples of all time.
What were your favorite couple moments from the classic Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows? Tweet us @ValleyMag!
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