Staff Pick of the Week: Amazon Alexa

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If 10 years ago someone said that we could ask almost any question at any time and get a response, we’d think you were crazy. Smart devices now allow us to have any information at our finger tips, whether it’s Googling or asking Siri. However, Amazon Alexa is exactly what VALLEY didn’t know we needed in our lives.

By now you probably know what it is, but if you don’t, Alexa is a device that allows you to listen to music, check the weather, turn off the lights in your room and much more just by using your voice. Simply say, “Alexa, what are some movies playing nearby?” And she will give you a full rundown of what’s playing at your local theater. All you have to do is buy an Echo device from Amazon, and you instantly have your own personal assistant.

Although you may think that Alexa is unnecessary, your life will be changed after using her for one day. Because we could all use a way to make our lives that much easier. Right?

Here are some of VALLEY’s most useful questions to ask Alexa:

Alexa, can you set my alarm for 9 a.m. tomorrow?
Alexa, can you remind me to take my prescription later?
Alexa, what’s the weather today?
Alexa, can you play my “Pregame” playlist on Spotify?
Alexa, can you add headphones to my shopping cart?
Alexa, what’s the traffic like from home to Beaver Stadium?

Basically, you can ask Alexa anything and she will do her best to fulfill that request. She’s like an extra roommate—just more willing to do anything you tell her to!

An Amazon Echo system can range anywhere from $50 to over $100, but that depends on how many features you want included. The most basic Alexa system is the Echo Dot, which is small enough to be placed on your bedside table and still has all of the necessary features. So, the next time you’re looking to make life feel a little easier, treat yourself and order an Amazon Alexa, because sooner or later you’ll never know what you did without her.