Musing with Manouska: A Stella McCartney inspired DIY

After seeing Alexa Chung on the cover of TEEN Vogue sporting Stella McCartney’s Resort 2012 bow dress and it obviously being way out of my price range, I’ve been jumping to recreate this bow inspired dress– Manouska style. Anyone who knows me or has taken my style selections into consideration, knows I live in an oversized world when it comes to clothing, so naturally this DIY was done with a flowy, loose top. Get creative and have fun. Feel free to create this look with a tank, form fitting T-shirt—whatever your heart desires and speaks to the very essence of you!

  1. Begin by folding your 10×2 piece of fabric so that both ends meet in the center of your fabric. Allow one of the ends to overlap the other.
  2. Centering your folded ends, use your pointer finger and thumb to pinch your fabric in an accordion type style to create the shape and center of your bow.
  3. After getting your desired bow shape, take your threaded needle and sew in and out the center of your bow. Wrap your thread around the bows center several times to secure and knot.
  4. Cut the thread
  5. On the back of your bow and at the center, apply fabric glue on your thread. Take your 2x ½ piece of fabric and starting from the front, wrap the smaller piece of fabric around the center of our bow allowing the ends to meet at the back of your bow. Secure with more fabric glue.
  6. Securely sew or glue the bow on to your desired shirt and enjoy!

*For a simpler and more heart-felt option:

1. With a stencil, trace and cut your desired shape—I chose a heart.

2. Sew your shape on to a shirt at random or however desired

3. Use fabric glue to secure any loose or hanging pieces of fabric and enjoy!

* Try something fun! I added primary colored “ABC” buttons to my grey cotton vest. Feel free to add any of your favorite pins, buttons, sequins and glittery things!

Photos by Yuting Zhang

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