Juul Lovers Beware

Get used to walking to McLanahan’s or Uni-Mart and not being able to buy a new Juul or a refill.

According to Penn State’s policy website, “The advertisement, distribution and sampling of tobacco products and tobacco merchandise are prohibited on all Penn State campuses and properties and at all University-sponsored events.”

Soon, university-owned stores won’t be offering your beloved Juuls anymore. Take advantage of the last semester of freely smoking on campus because come spring 2019, a new smoke-free policy will be implemented. Although the policy has been introduced this semester, it is still being worked on.

Despite the Juul’s sole purpose of helping adults to stop smoking cigarettes, they are most popular amongst teens. It’s sleek, trendy, and doesn’t look like an e-cigarette, which makes the device even more appealing. Juul’s are meant to resemble flash drives with their high tech feel and appearance. It can even be plugged into your computer when it needs a charge. The Juul has a plethora of flavors ranging from Virginia tobacco to fruit medley. According to The Washington Post, in data not yet published by the FDA, there has been a 75 percent increase in e-cigarette use by young adults this year compared to 2017. Although these e-cigarettes have significantly decreased the use of cigarettes by high schoolers to a record-low 8.8 percent, in efforts to make campuses safer for everyone, Penn State will be the 11th school in the Big Ten to take part in such a policy.

Penn State had been considering adopting a tobacco-free campus and has begun this fall. Electronic cigarettes, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, all nicotine delivery devices and other tobacco products are banned from all university-owned or leased properties, facilities and vehicles. This policy goes for all Penn State campuses. Some exemptions from this policy include smoking tobacco from religious or cultural purposes, theatrical performances and research. The only smoking allowed on campus will be in personal vehicles. Although places for designated smoking nor consequences of smoking on campus have been announced, Penn State’s website says this fall is somewhat of a trial period, and next semester this policy will be strongly enforced. Current designated smoking areas may be extinct after this semester.

Support for those who currently use tobacco and want to quit will be available at every campus. To get help for your smoking problem, read about The Freedom From Smoking Program.


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