How To Own Social Media Like Chrissy Teigen

Posted by Chrissy Teigen | @chrissyteigen

Chrissy Teigen is not only beautiful, gracing the covers of magazines such as Elle and Sports Illustrated, but she is also smart, witty, and really knows how to own her social media presence. Taking a few pages out of Teigen’s book, Valley is here to show you how to rock your social media like Chrissy.

Scrolling through Teigen’s Instagram account something special jumps out to even the most casual observer: Teigen is constantly having fun with her page. From posting silly videos of her daughter, Luna, or pictures of her and husband John Legend wearing matching fried chicken onesies, Teigen never wastes a post on something that doesn’t make her happy. Happiness and joy are two emotions that are really communicated through your posts and a lot of the time followers can detect when a photo is staged. Being sincere and only posting things that really bring you joy will pay off in the long run.

Body confidence. It’s two little words that we hear constantly now a days because it seems as if so many beautiful women lack it. It’s all about embracing your flaws and maybe even flaunting them a little. In a post from last year, Teigen flaunted the stretch marks on her thighs and people embraced them as much as she did. Showing your perceived flaws might even help you accept and love them.

Haters are terrible and while Teigen’s approach of fighting fire with fire isn’t always the best approach, a lot of the time she has a point. When it comes to those who attack your beliefs, thoughts, or actions is it best to ignore or engage?

“It depends on how you engage,” says Maddie Walsack, a Penn State sophomore. “Getting offensive back is never good, but poking fun at yourself or a situation can be funny.”

“I usually ignore haters and potentially block them. Why engage if they are just clearly jealous or just out to cause problems?” Says Christina Butera a Penn State Junior.

Next time you go to post a picture or send a tweet think about Chrissy Teigen and  remember the most important thing: you are more than your profile on Instagram or Twitter.