What To Do When Your Laptop Crashes

We all think we’re invincible in college. Nothing too major can go wrong, right? We’re constantly told we are living the life right now. We spend the week working our butts off writing essays, studying for exams, and doing countless assignments in order to enjoy the weekend, which never fails to live up to our expectations. We’ve gotten used to this routine. What could possibly disturb the bubble of our thriving, young lives?

How about an unreliable piece of aluminum machinery that encompasses everything you’ve ever worked hard at and that contains hundreds of documents, pictures, and other data that dates back to high school decides to spaz out?

AKA your laptop crashes.

Valley is here to help you through this difficult process. Seriously though, R.I.P. to the real M.V.P.

Do Something About it

The minute you realize your device is not functioning, seek help! Try not to stress about anything until you receive confirmation that the recovery is a lost cause. It could be anything! Thinking the worst and freaking out adds extra anxiety to the situation. Also, don’t press random buttons and try to fix the issue. You could make it worse –let the experts handle this one.

Cry It Out

After you’ve received the diagnosis, and if it’s a serious or emotional one, cry. This is obviously a stressful time so don’t fear the tears! They will come, they will see, and they will conquer. But hey, you did just lose everything important to you– those abroad pictures, that midterm paper you were working on, the calculations of the development of an undular bore– the list goes on and on.

Play the Waiting Game

Chances are that your device will need about a week to be repaired. Being laptop-less might make you feel vulnerable –wait, I can’t scroll through Buzzfeed during my 9am lecture anymore? I can’t binge watch Netflix until the wee hours of the morning? But, just remember, according to the Best Buy in State College, they see this problem “at least once a day” so you’re definitely not alone. *googles support group*

Back it Up

Once you get your fresh laptop, please invest in an external hard drive. This will save you from any future disasters. Basically an external hard drive will mimic everything on your computer so if you ever get a new hard drive installed, you can simply plug in the external hard drive and all is well.

When your laptop crashes you may feel as though your world is subsequently crashing, but don’t forget: *Abby Lee Miller voice* Everyone’s replaceable.