Valley Presents Our Spring 2017 Cover Star… Helen Maser!

Photo by Vanessa Feng

Helen Maser is Valley‘s Spring 2017 cover star and we couldn’t be more proud to feature such a powerful, artistic and glamorous lady. Valley‘s goal for this semester was to make our magazine inspiring for all Penn Staters. There is something for everyone in this season’s edition, including the empowering and enlightening story of Helen Maser.

Helen’s story is one of personal struggle and it took her a long time to learn how to deal with it. Today, however, she is able to abstract her memories into works of art and use her paintings as a form of therapy. Helen has not only persevered and gained strength from the past, but she has learned empathy and kindness, knowing that you never know what has happened to someone based on appearances.

Valley is excited to present to you, Helen Maser, and you can read the rest of her story and much more in this semester’s print edition. Be sure to get your FREE copy on campus this coming week, April 10 through April 12, before we run out!

