Why You Are More Than Your “Likes”


Let’s be honest, every now and then you may look at a celebrity and think that you wanted his or her _____. But in reality, the goal is not trying to look like someone else by doing insane challenges that can be actually harmful to your body, but by being happy with yourself and being the best version of you that you can be.

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Channel Your Inner Disney Princess for Finals Week

Channel Your Inner Disney Princess for Finals Week


If there was a guide written about how to master finals in the same detailed structure that Cosmo puts out on how to master the perfect winged liner without looking like a scary raccoon, there would be no doubt that Valley would have those how-to steps signed, sealed and delivered to anyone in need. But while that’s in the works, you can get help from another group of boss females that can make sure you are in good hands.

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The Unhealthy Mindset of Becoming “Healthy”

The Unhealthy Mindset of Becoming “Healthy”


It’s 2 a.m. and you find yourself staring at the fridge. You already ate dinner earlier that evening but you find yourself at the same place around the same time, three times a week. Next thing you know, you are stuffing food down your throat just because. You eat until you feel “satisfied” because you didn’t eat the slice of pizza that all your friends ate during lunch that day. You didn’t eat it because you thought it was “unhealthy” for you.

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