How What You Wear Impacts People’s Perceptions of You
The age-old saying “dress for success” is a classic for a reason. It is no surprise that the way you dress impacts how people perceive…
Read MoreThe age-old saying “dress for success” is a classic for a reason. It is no surprise that the way you dress impacts how people perceive…
Read MoreWinter break is right around the corner and you may be wondering how you can make use of this extra time to help put yourself…
Read MoreEven if our beloved campus is minutes — or even miles — away right now, we all miss our favorite spots like Beaver Stadium, the…
Read MorePodcasts are the new talk shows, radio shows, you name it — the podcasting industry is booming. Celebrities and social media influencers everywhere are using…
Read MoreAs many communications students know, career fairs can be stressful because they happen so late in the spring semester. For most other colleges, recruiting takes…
Read MorePenn State is a multicultural university that takes pride in their international students. Valley recently had the chance to chat with some of them to discuss their transition between cultures.
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