Cold Emailing 101

September is here, the leaves are falling, the weather is changing and the seniors are preparing to graduate. As graduation season approaches for those who are graduating in the Fall, job applications and offers are starting to happen. Learning how to properly write a cold email is an important skill to have in today’s digital world.

Sending a cold email to a potential employer or someone who you have previously interned with is basically an email asking about a job opening possibility. According to Huffpost, cold emailing should be casual, yet professional—you don’t want the employer to immediately delete it after reading “What’s Up Mr. Robinson,”.

Valley wants to help, not only the seniors but those who are looking for internships in a company that might not have the exact position you are looking for. Here is how to properly write a cold email that will guarantee a response.

Do thorough Research

Just like an interview, you want to make sure that you have done research on the company that you want to potentially work for. Make sure that you have the proper qualifications and that the position you are looking for doesn’t already exist—because if it does, you can just skip cold emailing them and just apply on their website. If you do get recruited for an interview, knowing the company will benefit you and show the employers that you are invested in them.

Treat the Employer like an Actual Person

When reaching out to an employer that you have worked with previously, be friendly but avoid being too friendly. Remember, they are your boss and you want them to hire you back. Be as genuine as you can be and use relatable, everyday language. Don’t try to complicate your sentences, just clearly state why you are reaching out to them.

Establish credibility

So you have explained why you are reaching out, now it is time to explain why you would be great for a position. Write some of your skills, previous internships, and jobs that are related to your field in the email. If you are a key member of a club, such as an editor of the school paper or a finance chair in an organization, make sure to put that in there to let the employer know that you are involved and willing to take on leadership roles.

Email a few people at a time

If you are interested in working for a specific department of a company, find the emails of the people who work in that department and email all of them. The chances of sending an email to just one of them and receiving a response are low because maybe they are having a bad week or they just aren’t great at reading emails. Sending it a whole department has a higher chance of someone talking about it to another person in their department.

Keep it short

As mentioned in the beginning, a cold email is basically a conversation you would have in person so try to remember to keep it short. You don’t want the email to be too long because chances are the employer will become disengaged after a while. Make sure you get to the point while being respectful and friendly.

Applying to jobs can be stressful and nerve-wracking but once you create a system, you will become a pro. If you add cold emailing to your application process or even use these tips for a general email, it will help you create a more professional look to your employers and colleagues. Good luck, seniors!