“Love Island” season six stole the hearts of viewers all over the world this past summer. The show brought viewers together every week to sit down and binge the drama-pact reality show.
After 36 episodes and a winning couple crowned at the end of the saga, the streaming network Peacock brought all of the islanders together for a highly anticipated reunion just a month after the favorite couples of the show were released from the island.
Just because a couple survived the villa, it does not mean they are going to survive the real world. Couples Nicole & Kendall and Taylor & Aaron were the two hot commodities of the reunion.
Nicole & Kendall
In the season finale, although Nicole & Kendall did not win the grand prize, they were the only final four couples to confess their love for each other. Some viewers took this for a wholesome ending to the season and others saw this as a money grab.
Immediately after they were released back into the real world, fans were able to pick up on the rocky start that the couple was having on the internet.
At the reunion, Nicole did not let their situation go unannounced. When asked by “Love Island” season six host, Ariana Maddox, how the relationship was blossoming outside of the villa, Nicole did not hesitate to admit the truth on national television.
There was bickering between the couple, tears shed and other islanders like Jana Craig and Leah Kateb had to step in to mediate the argument. In an attempt to find sympathy from the public, Nicole seemed to gain more hate after this altercation.
Fans believe that Kendall made an honest mistake and Nicole does not deserve this kindness.
Just four days after the reunion was filmed, Nicole made a post on her Instagram story announcing that Kendall decided to end things with her after they had seemingly agreed to work it out.
Kaylor & Aaron
The next couple that was most closely watched when released from the villa were Kaylor and Aaron. After having the strongest connection for three weeks in the villa, Aaron had made a big mistake in the Casa segment of Love Island.
Nonetheless, Kaylor took him back on the show and they were eliminated together just before the final four episodes.
When they returned home and were allowed back access to their phones, Kaylor was overwhelmed with the internet showing her the truth about Aaron and the way he treated her behind her back.
They tried to make it work for some time after their elimination but by the time the reunion rolled around on Aug. 16th, their relationship was burnt to ashes.
Aaron had admitted at the reunion that he had reached out to Daniela, a problem in his and Kaylor’s relationship on the island, before ever telling Kaylor off-camera.
Kaylor went into an uproar and called him horrible names on air. Fans are commending her outlast on social media.
What were your favorite moments during the reunion? Let @VALLEYmag know on Instagram!