Weighing In: Be a Kid Again

Weighing In: Be a Kid Again


Now that we’re all grown up (well, sort of), we often miss everything that being a kid entails. How awesome would it be if we could incorporate recess and nap time into our everyday schedules? Well it just so happens, taking time to act like a kid again can be great for your health.

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Weighing In: Eat Breakfast

Weighing In: Eat Breakfast


We’ve all heard the many ways to lose weight and stay fit – eat less carbohydrates, snack on grapefruit and cucumbers, drink eight glasses of water a day. But let’s be honest, how many of these are truly going to make a difference in your life? Do you want to know the secret to living a healthy life? It’s simple – eat breakfast.

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Beauty Products, Simplified

Beauty Products, Simplified


There’s no need to spend all of your money on expensive products and fancy beauty creams. All of your beauty quick-fixes can be found in your cabinet at home. Whether it’s smoothing dry skin, hiding split ends or thickening your eyelashes, you only need three products for a flawless beauty routine. Read on to find out what Vaseline, baby powder and olive oil can do for you.

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Weighing In: Why Not Spin?

Weighing In: Why Not Spin?


After spending five minutes on an indoor stationary bike for the first time, sweat was rolling off my body and accumulating in a puddle on the floor. I was huffing, puffing and gasping for air. It took every ounce of energy left in my body to respond to my trainer, who was wondering if I had Asthma.

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Weighing In: Reason To (Turkey) Trot

Weighing In: Reason To (Turkey) Trot


Do you want to gobble down delicious turkey, savory pie and mom’s casserole next week without guilt? Participating in a 5K race on Thanksgiving morning can boost your metabolism for the rest of the day, meaning that the turkey thighs on your plate won’t put meat your own legs.

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Weighing In: The Best Home Work-Out Videos

Weighing In: The Best Home Work-Out Videos


What college student actually has time to squeeze in a long workout every single day? Between classes, club meetings and nap time (let’s be real, we all do it), it can be extremely difficult to find an hour or two during the week to get a good sweat session.

Little did you know, you can get the same benefits of an hour long workout in half the time!

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