Wishful Sinking

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As many of us have seen and tried to replicate on TikTok, we don’t chase: we attract. Whether it be with academics or relationships, some unattainable goal always makes the chase so unbelievably fun. After all, there is no better and carefree way of getting what you want than putting it out in the universe and taking a step back. Except, with every pro comes a con and the same is true in this case. Though manifestation and the law of attraction can be fun to indulge in at times, there is definitely a danger in having such a resigned attitude.

Attract or Chase?

Stuffing written letters underneath your pillows and saying affirmations in the mirror are only two of the many ways that people seem to have explored the world of chasing what they think is out of reach.

However, when we take such a backseat in our lives, it is easy to become someone that we don’t recognize. Since when was it normalized to not go after what we truly want? Since when was ambition not rewarded accordingly?

In fact, many “manifesters” have said that putting bad thoughts out into the world can have a severe backlash on your own life as well (karma is very much a bitch). There’s a reason why good things happen to those who wait (or at least that’s what I’ve been told too).

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Ambition is the End Goal

Of course, we all want some higher power to help us out in some way or another, but the best and surest way of getting what you truly want and need, is to do it yourself. And yes, it seems daunting to maybe approach the guy you’ve been eyeing for a while, or even impossible to get started studying on that midterm you desperately need to get an A on.

Still, VALLEY promises you, that if you were to take that first step, everything else would fall into place. At least you can say that you’ve tried and there’s no doubt in your mind of what could have been. Being proactive is the best way you can reach your goals or finally move on. As unfortunate as it sounds, it is your most healthy option.

Now don’t get us wrong, it’s so fun to put our thoughts out onto the universe and hope for the best. But know that if you really want something, you should be willing to do whatever it takes to reach that goal. And if it means that you have to pull “Attract, Don’t Chase” up your pants and do the work yourself, that’s a risk you should be willing to take. But now and then, don’t be afraid to indulge yourself in a couple of letter writings just to see if they can help you out!

Photo from Pinterest.com

How do you approach your goals? Let @VALLEYmag know on X!


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