Everyone you know has that box. You know which one. The one sitting, tucked underneath your bed or in the top corner of your closet. It’s filled with hundreds of past memories and experiences: concert tickets, love notes, accomplishments, past relationships and all other sorts of memorabilia. Maybe your box of choice is a classic old shoebox, maybe its piles and piles of boxes filled with old trophies and things that make you question why did I ever keep this? Despite the ongoing trend of minimalistic lifestyles, the argument for hoarding old memories is a strong one.

It Comes from Our Parents
Let’s face it, the art of shoebox memories comes from our elders. You can trace it back to baby books sharing first haircuts and bubble baths, and the piles of old photos and stacks of scrapbooks that now clog up all of our phone storage. Collecting memories crosses generations.

The timeless tradition is a way to say that you was there whether that’s a vacation with family or a concert with friends. These boxes also let us revel in the significance of objects. A simple, singular object has the ability to bring back a whole flood of memories – good or bad.
Sometimes those memories serve as a reminder that through both tough and peaceful moments in your life, you were able to get through them – the things you thought would be world-ending now just serve as a distant memory to look back on.
To Collect is to Love
Empath girlies are being told to cut back on the clutter and ditch the piles of boxes containing little things that signify the biggest moments in their lives. Literally crying just thinking about it.
Another way to tidy up those boxes is to give them a new life. There’s a new trend of taking all of your memorabilia and placing it in frames to hang around your house. This way, they’re not just sitting in a dark corner until you decide to take them out and look at them. It gives new life and recognizes all those past memories in a beautiful way.

Whether you’re just looking through old memories, or your making your own photo collage, share all your memorabilia with us! Tag us @VALLEYmag on Instagram!
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