The Introverted Mindset

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What does it mean to be labeled as an introvert? Does it mean being shy, unfriendly, timid or even arrogant? Sometimes people misunderstand what being an introvert means. Extroverts gain their energy by surrounding themselves with people in social settings, while introverts gain their energy in their alone time.

Introverts can range from a social butterfly type to a reflective thinker to an anxious introvert. Some introverts occasionally struggle with their day-to-day life because they either feel overstimulated or they need to recharge in their alone time. 

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell who is an introvert because not all introverts are reserved. Some introverts are more social but not in larger groups. They are usually more social in smaller groups where they feel a bit more comfortable. Most of the time, they are with a close group of friends. Even if someone is a social introvert, all introverts still value their alone time.

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Understand Your Strengths

It can be troubling for introverts to open up and be comfortable with their surroundings in social settings. Instead of being anxious and closing yourself off from a group setting, it is always good to try to improve yourself in a social setting and try new things. Being an introvert can give you amazing abilities that you can use to help yourself come out of your bubble.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is a huge deal for introverts. This is the first step that introverts have to overcome to help their social skills. There are small things a person can do to conquer this fear. If you happen to be in a classroom setting, talk to the person sitting next to you. The person sitting next to you might want to talk to you, but you’ll never know unless someone initiates the conversation, let that person be you. 

Introverts who are kept to themselves in social gatherings usually observe others, study or understand people on a deeper level, and are attentive to detail. If you use all of those skills together and jump into a conversation with someone, your discussion skills will make you confident in what you talk about. 

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Rejection Happens To Everyone

Do not be scared of rejection. Rejection is a part of every day life. If an introvert has a social interaction where they feel or get rejected, that experience will replay over and over in their mind. Rejection can feel very personal, even when it’s not.

 Introverts have a tendency to overthink a situation in their mind which can cause them to feel anxious or to feel mentally weak. A way to overcome rejection is to not doubt yourself. It can be hard for some introverts to feel confident in themselves. The more you gain confidence in yourself, you also gain the courage to overcome more obstacles that are slowing you down to be the best version on yourself that you can be.

Do you have any helpful tips for introverts? Let us know @VALLEYmag on X.


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