Shoot, My Mom Was Right

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Growing up my mom would practically beg me to wear what she suggested. Nonetheless, I always turned a blind eye. The number of dresses, sweaters and shoes I’d protest wearing caused constant riffs every morning before school. There was a better chance of getting me to eat broccoli than wearing a dress at the ripe age of nine.

The clothes I once felt nauseous looking at have become increasingly appealing the more I mature. The coveted basics I once turned down have now miraculously become items on my “wish list.” I’ll give myself some grace granted the fact that I was nine, but really? How could I be so naive? I hate to admit it but, my mom was right.

Then vs. Now

My then Justice top has now become a more sophisticated version closely related to a “grandma sweater.” Not in a million years did I think that sentence would come out of my mouth, let alone be a piece of clothing I purchased myself.

High-Class Holidays

It wouldn’t be Christmas Eve without me throwing a fit when my mom would try to get me to wear a dress. Now, I love any excuse to wear a girly dress with heels! It’s like everything clicks all at once. My era of crop tops and Air Force ones has subsided and I’m now in search of all the quality neutrals and other ways to mature my closet.

Kick it Up a Notch

A raised eyebrow from mom was a given every time I would walk out of the house in a nice outfit with sneakers to top it off. My mom didn’t understand that sneakers with dresses were in. Duh! Now, I have come to realize that sneakers with those types of clothes are a big no-no. Every pair of jeans are now paired with either a pointed heel or a classic boot.

A Cozier Change

The best form of warmth is through layers. However, my middle school self would rather freeze than wear a coat that actually kept me warm. For all that, I have my mother to thank for putting it on me regardless. Did I hate it? Yes. But did it keep me warm? Also, yes.

I can now appreciate an intentional coat that not only adds to the outfit, but in fact, does the job of keeping me warm. The trench coat I would quickly sift past in my mom’s closet now accompanies me on my trips to the city.

As daughters, we neglect to realize how often our moms are right. The combative nature of fashion sense will always be an uphill battle, but I have my mother to thank for putting up with the crazy and senseless outfits I then thought should appear on the runway. Nonetheless, sharing is caring and now I couldn’t be more grateful for my mom’s closet.

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