Running In Pictures

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Between throwing on upbeat music, running through stimulating scenery and wearing matching workout sets, we do everything we can to make runs a pleasurable experience. Amidst all these nice distractions, however, runs can easily fall into the category of experiences we never want to repeat.

But what if you could take your running upgrades to the next level?

The answer is to create art as you run.

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Maybe you have a certain path you follow on your runs or walks. You follow this route every day, seeing the same beat-up dye tables in front yards and the traffic rushing down College Ave. After following this route a few times, you might find yourself becoming disengaged during your workout and easily bored.

Mental stimulation is important for keeping physical activity interesting. Thus, you should map a route to run or walk that creates a picture when looking at it from a birds-eye view. You can then log your run or walk on an app and flaunt your artistic and athletic abilities.

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VALLEY recommends downloading an app like Strava and utilizing the route creation feature to map out your path ahead of time. You can create a simple shape or a whole picture, whatever aligns with your ambition and ability level. Try creating a heart, star or even a word. Following this path to create a picture instills a sense of purpose in you that will make your runs go by faster and in a more interesting fashion.

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VALLEY also recommends utilizing Strava for the sense of community it provides. When you log your runs, you can post them to a feed for your friends to see and give “kudos” to. Turn your daily workouts into a game between your friends: who can run the coolest image?

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Here are some runs that VALLEY has mapped out for you in State College. Feel free to run these exact routes or simply use them as inspiration to create your own thrilling trails.

  1. Take a trip to the arboretum and run in the shape of a stick figure person!
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2. Mosey on down to downtown and create a “PSU” as you go!

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Amaze both yourself and your friends by creating interesting running paths. If you take a wrong turn and mess up your route a little bit, simply blame it on your affinity for abstract art. Take your runs or walks to the next level by running with a purpose and having fun while you do it!

Share your next pictorial workout with us @VALLEYmag on Instagram!


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