Career Fair Preparation: Remember Me Introductions

Kylin_RemeberMeDoes the thought of the career fair give you some serious anxiety? Have you spent hours searching through your wardrobe trying to discover what exactly “business casual” means? Worried that you won’t make the right impression?

Career fairs may seem a bit overwhelming― but with the right preparation they don’t have to be! Spring Career Days are just around the corner, and now’s your chance to land that internship or job you have been dreaming about. Follow these tips to make a lasting impression, and we promise you won’t be forgotten!

The Elevator Speech

“My go-to when it comes to career fairs is the short elevator speech,” says junior Brittany Fox. “It’s a simple way for the recruiter to get a sense of who you are and it makes you stand out from other students. They know you came prepared and know exactly what you’re looking for.”

You may be asking, “What’s an elevator speech?” Just think about how long it takes you to ride an elevator― only 30 to 60 seconds. This is exactly the amount of time you have to make that “Remember Me” Introduction. Having under a minute to sell yourself can definitely seem stressful, but there’s no need to fret if you’ve prepared ahead of time.

Make sure to included your name, class standing, major, the opportunities you are seeking, relevant experience, skills and strengths, and your knowledge of the company when creating your own elevator speech. Be careful not to sound too rehearsed when you approach a recruiter and tailor it for each company. It’s important to keep it short and sweet!


We’ve all been there. Someone has just introduced herself to you and a second later you’ve already forgotten her name. At the time, you were too caught up in introducing yourself that you weren’t quite paying attention to the other person. An easy trick to make sure you remember a recruiter’s name is to simply repeat it. Say the recruiter’s name after you say hello, and then introduce yourself.

You’re going to be meeting countless people at the career fair, and it’s necessary to remember names for follow ups. If you’re still feeling nervous about introductions, practicing with family and friends will build confidence.

Love at First Hand Shake

Just like Goldilocks, you want to have a handshake that’s just right! A firm and commanding handshake is important to making that lasting impression. Make sure not to crush the recruiter’s hand, but also don’t feel like a limp noodle. Finding that balance may take some practice, but you should get it in no time! Keep eye contact when you’re putting your best hand forward and don’t forget to keep other body language in mind.

Just add some confidence to following these tips, and we guarantee that you won’t be forgotten.

Photo by Kylin Chen


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