At the Lion’s Den, underclassmen gather outside in line at the hopes of getting in. They know that in the middle of Pennsylvania, this may be their only shot at a good time. A freshman girl suddenly jumps the fence, climbing to the inside of the bar’s premises. She falls and lands on her face, ripping her pants on the fence on the way down. She is picked up by her arms by two security guards and is promptly escorted off the premises. She fails to make it into the Lion’s Den, despite her best efforts. She smiles instead of seeming embarrassed. At least she tried.
The Average State College Bar Experience

Getting kicked out of a bar in State College is a staple of night life at Penn State. There are so few bars and so many people in town that they are bound to have problems with over intoxication, aggression or otherwise. Even if you haven’t been kicked out of a bar yourself, you’re most likely seen it happen. An anonymous alumni of Penn State recalls seeing her friend almost get kicked out of the Phyrst one night.
“He vomited on the floor. Then he ran up the stairs out of the bar so security wouldn’t ban him.”
The same girl recalls being kicked out of a bar for a single statement she made that was overheard by the bouncer.
“I said I needed to throw up so they kicked me out. They didn’t want that happening anywhere near the bar.”
Tamed Chaos

State College bars are capable of giving us some of the most fun and wild times of our young lives. They also have some of the most strict policies that bar goes have ever seen. Since this is a town of college students, they know that the majority of bar-goers are very young and likely irresponsible. We all must tread lightly if we want to have a good time uninterrupted. Staying discreet while drinking is an art we all practice and perfect here.
Unfortunately, sometimes getting kicked out of a bar can be very unfair, based on preconceived notions instead of actions. Sometimes the bouncers go too far because they are trying to do their jobs. Another anonymous source, a current student, recalls watching his friend get pushed into a cop car in the middle of a night out.
“The bouncer was trying to kick him out. He was arguing with the bouncer because he didn’t want to leave, so they called the cops. The cops basically picked him up by the back of his pants and his shirt and threw him in the cop car.”
When going out in State College, it’s important to not be belligerent while drunk. Even though being kicked out for something that minor is unfair, we all have to tread that line. We should take these stories as a tale of caution.
Have you ever experienced being kicked out of a State College bar? Lets us know @VALLEYmag on Instagram!
VALLEY does not support underage drinking. Please remember to always drink responsibly.
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