Fun Weekend Alternatives

ZiyanSha_ForeignPerspective_raw3Weekends at college are often associated with getting drunk. It may come as a surprise to some that not everybody likes to heavily drink all the time. If you feel like having a quiet night in and aren’t sure what to do then take a look at this list for some inspiration.

Movie/Games night

Gather some friends and pick a movie to watch; make sure you have blankets and good movie-watching food. If you’d prefer to play games, ask around people on your floor to see if they have any games. If you can’t find any, you can always play Cards Against Humanity (the free pdf is available on the website).

Pumpkin carving competition

Take advantage of the pumpkins available in the Fall, and have a pumpkin carving competition with a few friends. 

Read a book

It’s often hard to find the time to read a book other than a textbook when you’re at college. Take this free time to read a book you’ve been meaning to read for months, or a new book you’ve heard about. If you really can’t think of anything to read then check out the New York Times Best Sellers list.

Meditate / yoga

College life is busy and most people don’t take the time to really relax after a stressful week. Yoga is often used to reduce stress by focusing on the present moment and movements, instead of external distractions. You can do yoga in the comfort of your own room, or you can find a class close by. If you’re not a fan of yoga, you can try meditation.

Photo by Ziyan Sha

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