Finals Week (Minus the Finals)

JessicaKorch_NoFinalsWhen it comes to cramming for a stressful finals week, we’ve all heard plenty of unsolicited advice.  “Always make flash cards.” “Study one topic at a time.” “Try to get plenty of sleep.”

But what about advice when you don’t have finals during finals week? Yes, what’s a girl to do during finals week if she doesn’t have any finals?  Some unsolicited advice you might get for this predicament might be something along the lines of “watch TV, stop complaining.”

Then again, this is your last week of school, might as well make it as eventful as possible right?  Below we’ve included a list of solicited advice for your predicament of what to do when you have no finals.

Hike Mt. Nittany

The Weather is finally nice enough to enjoy the beautiful nature of State College, and why not burn some cals while enjoying the best State College has to offer?  Go with friends and make a fun afternoon out of it or by yourself if you want to clear your head.

Start a series…and finish it!

Been dying to start watching Breaking Bad or Gossip Girl but never felt like you had enough time to fully devote to starting and finishing it?  What better time than a week with literally no obligations?

Go on a food crawl

While there are plenty of well known food joints in state college, there are plenty of small and local dives with some of the best food in the area. Take the week to go out and explore some of the smaller more hidden gems in the alleyways of downtown.

Make amends

I know this may sound silly, but it really is best to enter summer and leave school free of regrets and grudges. Talk it out and resolve any issues so you can leave for summer free of regrets and with a clean slate.

Photo by  Jessica Korch

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