“Cliché” comes from the french word “clicher” which means to click. The definition of the word we use today comes with a generally negative connotation– a phrase that describes something that is widely overused and not original. Maybe cliché’s are used so often because they have some truth to them?
Here are some cliché’s that are worth abiding by:
Honesty Is the Best Policy

When in doubt, be honest. There is never a time where honesty isn’t the best policy.
Did you offer to do your friend’s laundry and then accidentally stain all their white’s pink? Be honest! Are you fighting with a friend and don’t know if you should express how you really feel in fear of hurting them? Say what’s on your mind because in the end, you will regret not doing so.
Communication Is Key

The only way to have an open, honest and healthy relationship with anyone is through communicating. There will always be a fear associated with communication, because it is a tough skill to learn and practice. But, it makes or breaks relationships. A lack of communication builds resentment, so it is always better to communicate sooner rather than later.
Better Safe Than Sorry

This one gathers a bit of controversy. To take or not take the risk, that is the question. However, in a lot of cases, it can be better to be safe than sorry. You never really know the consequences to your actions until after you’ve done them. So, next time you think about walking home alone from a party or taking that extra shot, maybe think twice. It could save you in the end. Weigh your options with the weight of safety over your decisions.
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

Of course, this cliché extends beyond milk. What’s happened has happened. Unfortunately, you are not a time traveler, so there is no reason to worry about something that you cannot go back and change. Even if we could, Marty McFly showed us we really shouldn’t meddle with the past. You will cause yourself more unneeded anxiety that can be avoided if you leave the past in the past and focus on the future.
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

Whether you are a believer of the mindset that“everything happens for a reason,” more often than not some does come out of a difficult situation. Even if it is a small thing. The silver lining may not always come immediately, but there will be a light that shines through the darkness, and you will be better for it.
What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

As Miss Kelly Clarkson sang so powerfully in her hit song “Stronger, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Every experience that you survive, whether big or small, helps you grow in so many ways. You learn this from all the journey’s life takes you on and that gained wisdom will help you throughout your life.
Tweet us, @VALLEYmag, with other clichés you live by!