When our feelings get involved, we tend to focus on ourselves. We have blinders on focusing on what we feel towards them, how attached we are or what we would sacrifice to be with them. We are so caught up in the intensity of our own feelings that they seem to become all-consuming. We put so much effort and care into people we care about, doing everything in our power to make things work out. It becomes easy to forget we should be receiving those same sentiments back in return.
We end up giving so much of ourselves to people who are not giving us the same back. Even if they have feelings for us, if their actions do not reflect that love and care it is meaningless. We pour so much of ourselves into people who are not filling us back up, instead leaving us empty.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
We make excuses for this lack of action. We blame outside forces for the actions we are not receiving and the neglect that we feel. We drain ourselves searching for a way to win this love over and grasp at straws to prove that we are cared for. We make excuses for lack of responses and inability to be present but yet we are always there waiting.
It is so important to remember that we deserve the same effort that we pour into relationships ourselves. Yet, it can be almost impossible to hold ourselves to that standard. We think that having anything is better than having nothing instead of realizing that everything we deserve could be waiting somewhere else.
We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve
We accept the love we think we deserve, and we allow people to treat us the way that we believe we should be treated. This speaks to a deeper issue of self-worth. We let people treat us in ways that we should not accept because we do not believe that we deserve more.
Sometimes it is hard to accept that we are part of the problem, allowing ourselves to be treated poorly and accepting behavior that we do not deserve. We do not want to admit that we were too scared or vulnerable to leave and search for better. We do not want to admit that we allowed ourselves to be treated the way we were and accepted less than we needed for so long. These are important things we must come to terms with to grow moving forward and to begin choosing love that chooses us back.
What do you think? Are you guilty of accepting less than you deserve? Let us know by mentioning @VALLEYmag on X!