Batman and Edward: Our New Favorite Crossover

Photo posted by @robpattinfilms on Instagram

Just when we thought Robert Pattinson couldn’t get any hotter, he does. In what has slowly become the most highly anticipated film of 2022, “The Batman” gives us a new alter ego of Robert Pattinson to swoon over. This time, as the dreamy and mysterious Bruce Wayne. Whether Pattinson pales in comparison to Batman’s before him and why we love him more because of it, here’s what VALLEY has to say about the new adaption.

Bloodsucker or Vigilante?

Don’t get us wrong — he will always be Edward to us. While many fans of the Twilight series are having a hard time with seeing Pattinson when he’s not a 100-year-old vampire, we can assure you this will make you love him even more. 

In this new addition to the DC universe, the film takes a more twisted and suspenseful take on the classic comic book, with masterful cinematography and a storyline that sends shivers up your spine. With a star-studded cast and a new perspective of the crime-ridden Gotham City, needless to say, VALLEY is pleasantly surprised at this new era of Batman.

Not only that, but the added bonus of seeing Zoe Kravitz and Pattinson’s sexual tension build throughout the film gives us a chance to see a new Batman with a subtle soft spot for cats (but seriously, how can you not love Zoe Kravitz?) It’s the plotline that lies in the shadows and leaves us begging for more, making it more than just another superhero movie. 

Photo posted by @zoeisabellakravitz on Instagram

After watching the film, it will make sense as to why Pattinson was chosen — and it’s because he was born for it. We all remember the moody, sullen aesthetic that came with playing Edward Cullen, so it was a given that he would nail the heartbreaking backstory of the caped crusader that makes him so secluded and grim. The similarities between the two roles may not be great, but be on the lookout for Pattinson to star in any film with a mysteriously troubled heartthrob in the near future because it has his name on it. 

Living up to a Legacy

The real question, however, is whether he even comes close to the performances put on by Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton and countless others that have played Batman before him. While it may be hard to come to a conclusion as each Batman had their own respective aesthetic, from the bright and comical George Clooney to the action-packed Christian Bale, there is still something to be said of this new addition to the series. Expect to feel as if you’re watching a horror movie with the way the villain keeps both you and Mr. Wayne on his toes in what feels like an action-packed psychological thriller. 

Photo posted by @robpattinfilms on Instagram

Trust us when we say to hold on to your popcorn because the end of this movie tells us there will be plenty more to come from Robert Pattinson in Gotham City.

Tweet us @VALLEYmag with your reactions to Robert Pattinson as “The Batman,” but brb while we go watch the movie another million times.


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