Diary of a Boring Spring Break

Diary of a Boring Spring Break


Monday, March 10, 2014

It’s been great being home the last few days. Mom’s food has been on-point, my sister hasn’t annoyed me yet, and I got to take at least a thousand pictures with my dog! Yay spring break! I guess it’s cool not having homework and stuff. Sure, as I scroll through my Instagram feed all that I can see are pictures of people twerking in Cancun or getting hipster shots of the ocean in Florida, but hey, that’s okay!

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3 Signs You’re Bitter About Valentine’s Day

3 Signs You’re Bitter About Valentine’s Day


This is the day you’ve been marking off on your calendars with the big red ‘X,’ as if to ignore its negative, dream crushing existence. Valentine’s Day has arrived unwarranted and uninvited again this year, as if it was even invited last year, just to make you feel even more lonely and even more unwanted in this world of single people and disparity.

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Connecting in the Real World: 3 Tips for LinkedIn

Connecting in the Real World: 3 Tips for LinkedIn


Ever hear of the term ‘networking’? It’s one of those “adult” words most of us choose to ignore along with “mortgage” and “student loan” for the current time being. However, the sad truth is that we are growing up, and unfortunately we’re not just here at Penn State to walk around in heels at 3 a.m. in the snow and spend way too much money on Lion Menus.

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The Do’s of Homecoming Week

The Do’s of Homecoming Week


There’s nothing quite like being a proud Penn Stater, and that sense of family and spirit, once a year is personified into a week-long event drenched in blue and white. Yes, we’re talking about Penn State’s Homecoming Week, and with much anticipation, it has officially begun.

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