Love it or hate it, it’s impossible to ignore the benefits of hitting the gym. From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to cardio workouts, gym sessions provide the ultimate solution to keeping you lean and mean from the neck down. But why are we neglecting everything from the neck up? Enter the latest fitness fad…Face Gym. Is this just another jumped-up fad promoted on social media by young fresh skinned influencers or is there substance to back up the hype?
The Face Behind the Name
Face Gym, the brainchild of CEO Inge Theron, a former beauty and wellness columnist, is a workout for your face that claims to target and tone the muscles underneath your skin. Having tested both invasive and noninvasive beauty procedures which are not only time-consuming but also very costly, Theron identified that a facial workout shared many of the same therapeutic benefits as its more invasive rivals.
Face Gym promotes itself as not a massage but a workout. A facial workout you ask … how does that work? The brand uses high-technology machines and massage-like techniques to stimulate the 20 muscles in your face — unlike a massage or a facial. Face Gym promises long-lasting improvements to facial muscle tone.
Theron believes, “regular muscle movement can create an immediate and lasting impact on how we look and feel.”
The Difference With Them
The brand argues it’s not something that you wipe off like a product such as a cream or lotion. Does this mean we finally found the fountain of youth? Could it be as simple as sitting in a chair for 45 minutes while someone manipulates your face with massage and machinery?
You Should Consider
Before waving goodbye to your beautician there are a few things to consider when heading to your nearest Face Gym. With any form of fitness, consistency is key and to reap the benefits it is recommended you have monthly sessions. With the average 45-minute session costing a minimum of $135, its target market is small but with the U.S. cosmetic and beauty market valued at approximately $91 billion annually, clearly, Americans are prepared to dig deep when it comes to beauty.
With studios in New York, Los Angeles and London, Face Gym is catching the public’s attention. Not only is the brand cutting edge when it comes to fitness, but they are also forward-thinking when it comes to marketing. With social media playing a significant role in how major companies market themselves, Face Gym is harnessing the power of social media through the use of influencers. What could be more enticing than a beautiful influencer demonstrating and then extolling the virtues of Face Gym?
Would You Try It?
Blogging and articles are also popular forms of promotion for the company as big health and beauty magazines such as Elle have promoted and explained the benefits of Face Gym with many celebrities throwing themselves behind the brand. So, it’s no surprise that gyms are popping up on both sides of the Atlantic. The good news is that you don’t have to be an influencer or celebrity to experience Face Gym. They do offer discounts and memberships to make the whole experience more appealing to one’s wallet.
So the real question remains — can Face Gym turn back the clock on aging? There does seem to be evidence that with consistent sessions the benefits are noticeable. The downside, to reap the benefits you need deep pockets and a London or New York address to join the fun.
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